Hi! This is Janelle. I blog at janelles.wordpress.com. Julie and I are blogging buddies. She invited me to post alongside TaLaisa's wonderful Conference studies. I will post once a day in preparation for next week's Sunday School Lesson: Mormon 1-6 Moroni 9
We skipped last week which was 3 Nephi 27 - 30 and 4 Nephi. In these beautiful scriptures we get a look into the peaceful state of a Zion community after the visitation of the Lord. There was perpetual peace and Mormon says there was never a happier people on all the earth. I know I wish I was alive in that time. Don't you?
We also learned all about the three Nephites and their calling and work on earth. I'm sad we didn't discuss these chapters because I loved them so much. I hope you don't skip them.
We must press forward so today we're talking about Mormon 1.
When Mormon was 10 he was approached by the record keeper Ammaron to receive the plates when he was 24.
At age 15, Mormon was visited by the Lord.
In 3 Nephi Mormon testified that he was ministered to by the 3 Nephites.
Mormon was commanded NOT to preach the things He learned from these ministrations because of the willful rebellion of the people.
How does knowing the character and life of Mormon affect your thoughts on the Book of Mormon as a whole?
How does knowing Mormon to be so young when he first was singled out by the Lord make you reflect on yourself and your children?
How did you feel when you learned that the Apostles had been taken from the earth? From what is written how do you think Mormon felt about this?
Tomorrow, I'll post about Mormon 2.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!
I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from The Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity - the pure love of Christ - will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.
- President Marion G. Romney
- President Marion G. Romney
When I think about Mormon as a 10 year old, I can actually picture a few 10 year olds I know in my mind. Granted, they aren't MY children, but I wonder about these amazing people that were "saved" or "brought forth" in certain times so their foreordination could take place. I have no doubt that Mormon was one of these people (obviously!).
I can't imagine what life would be like without Apostles or Prophets. The thought just makes me shudder because my life would have no direction. Luckily for Mormon, he had his lifetime to work on the plates and add to them; I'm sure that helped him be strong in the face of no Apostles. Although I think Mormon had his own contact with God constantly (he talks of Jesus visiting him when he was 15!) --I'm wondering if his sorrow at being without the Apostles directly affected his loneliness. To no longer be "one or two witnesses" but to be THE ONLY witness would be such a burden to bear! And to not be able to preach to the people, either? Harsh!
Oh! Thought: He had his son, though. Moroni was another amazing man who followed his father and became a great instrument in the hands of the Lord (obviously, again). I would think Mormon would be elated that his son was so righteous and carried on the work so willingly. That would be nice, as a parent, to see your child adhere to the Gospel of Christ, even though nobody else believed it and you had to watch your entire race be destroyed.
Of course, Moroni obviously wasn't born yet (in this chapter), so the loneliness would be pretty consuming, I'm sure.
Makes me so grateful for his work!
Two phrases just really stuck out to me in this chapter -- "sober" and "quick to observe." Right now I am not feeling sober at all and I'm also feeling more "quick to anger." I love these qualities. My father in law is a "quick to observe" kind of person. He studies a ton of church history and scriptures and could have a lot to comment about in a classroom setting, but instead, he observes. He'll comment occassionally (and it's ALWAYS worth listening to), but for the most part, he observes and listens to what he can learn from others. I admire that, especially because it is an attribute I am trying to refine. I tend to make WAY too many comments in class, but I am really improving. This chapter reminded me again why it is so important. There is much to be learned from others if we'll just stop and listen. And I love the calm, even-tempered image the word sober conjures up.
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