I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from The Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity - the pure love of Christ - will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.
- President Marion G. Romney

Monday, July 14, 2008

...All Things Denote There is A God...

Today we are studying Alma 30.  This is the account of Alma the Younger's encounter with Korihor, an Anti-Christ.  I can't help but wonder if Alma hoped he would have a similar success with Korihor as he did with Zeezrom.  

What are some differences you can see between Korihor and Zeezrom.  

Why do you think Zeezrom was receptive to the message and Korihor wasn't?

What things in your own life "denote there is a God?"

What are some ways we can acknowledge, remember, and act upon these things?


Monica said...

This chapter made me realize how tricky Satan can be in our lives. When you read Korihor's thoughts to Giddonah I just picture Satan trying to reason with us on why he is right and our knowledge is wrong. I think we can see this in our lives today, how the world will justify anything that is against the teachings of Jesus Christ and make people believe that it is OK to break the Commandments and to have no moral values.

One thing that I LOVE in the scriptures is how faithful people were like when Alma tells Korihor that he will be struck dumb and it happens. I think it is such a sign of faith that what he says will happen does. I just love how that happens because I think it shows how faithful and how close to Heavenly Father Alma was.

Julie when you ask what things in our lives denote there is a God, I have so many thoughts on that but the easiest one that comes to mind is my children. I look at them, I listen to them talk about Jesus Christ and see their love that they have for Him and I realize instantly that there has to be a God because my children seem to have been born with a great love for our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It is a humbling experience to me to hear my children at such young ages talk about how they want to make Jesus happy and how much they love Him and listen to them pray to their Heavenly Father. It is so beautiful to hear and definitely aids in the growth of my testimony.

Jocelyn said...

I'm loving verse 22 "why do ye teach this people that there should be no Christ, to interrupt their rejoicings?" First of all, I love "interrupt" -- a temporary stay of their rejoicing...more of a sorrow for Korihor's wickedness. Giddonah seems to imply here that they are in a state of continual rejoicing because of thier testimonies of Christ. Nothing Korihor preaches can sway them from this happy state for long -- they are saddened by his lies.
Second -- their "rejoicings" -- if I truly rejoiced in Christ and His Gospel continuously, I would never be swayed or deceived. It's living the Gospel in that way that causes true conversion.

Then Korihor comes back in verse 23 and says their belief in Christ causes them to stay in ignorance -- "that they may not lift up their heads." Interesting comment after Giddonah's question. Korihor seems to be thumbing his nose at this idea that the people could possibly rejoice over a Christ who hadn't come. But that's the best defense against the lies of the anti-Christs of the world -- say what they will about us as a church being oppressed or whatever -- I am happy and even rejoicing in my belief. There's no arguing that!

I'm only to verse 30 so far, but I wanted to leave a comment since I haven't in the last few days! Pretty sad, considering it's me who's moderating!

TaLaisa said...

It seems to me as though Korihor was set upon getting his sign. He may have seen evidence but he was convinced that a sign just for him was the only way to believe.

Zeezrom seemed to be humbled much more quickly. That made him much more teachable. The promptings of the spirit require us to act. He was required to act in faith, and quickly. I think part of his success in conversion relied on his quickness to act.

I think that sometimes people can get caught up looking and waiting for the lightening bolt moments that they miss the small whispers and the opportunities to act regularly on smaller things.

Acknowledging the evidence in your life that God is mindful is simple. Gratitude and giving thanks seem to give way to remembering and recalling more and more things to be grateful for.

I know it is important to act. And act quickly. Don't wait for the second impression to do something, because you may miss your chance to help another, give love and support to someone and be an instrument in the Lord's hands. I can recall times when I did act quickly and they are great evidences of God's trust in me, I also can recall times when I didn't act quickly, because of fear and they are things I have great sorrow for because I was unable to be a part of something and showed I didn't fully trust the thoughts as the promptings they were.

Liz said...

I know I am months behind, but this is where I am at with my personal BOM study, since I go to Gospel Essentials with my husband. I am just so interested in the difference between Zeezrom and Korihor. I just wanted to add a few things.
It is interesting to note I used to think the two were similar and they really aren't. Zeezrom is very inquisistive. Although in the negative, he is asking questions the whole time, almost tempting Amulek to bear testimony. Then when Amulek does bear testimony it makes him tremble.
On the other hand, Korihor goes to the High Priest and accuses him of all things horrible. He doesn't inquire or ask him what he believes. He just about tells Alma he is the wicked one. Then he asks for a sign. Alma is given the sprit of discernment to know that Korihor is lying and he knows that there is a God, but he has chosen to follow Satan.
Zeezrom trembled at the truth, Korihor trembled at his punishment. We know from our children when they are just afraid of the punishment, when it is lifted they just go back to the same old, same old. When they know truth, they turn from the sin. Therefore, Zeezrom was allowed to be healed and Korihor was not.

Jocelyn said...

L, what awesome comments! I love the comparison between the two!

Jocelyn said...

Is this Liz as in Liz W? If not, do you have a blog we can visit?